
We provide a seamless workflow integrations for devs by working via code annotations and build_runner CLI.


You can mark all the methods inside a class to be tested by adding @Welltested() annotation.

import 'package:welltested/welltested.dart';

class Auth {
    Future<void> logInUser() {...}
    Future<void> logOutUser() {...}

In above example, we will generate unit tests for logInUser and logOutUser methods of Auth class.

Note: We currently don't support testing top-level (global) functions. Coming soon.


Our testing AI auto decides smart exhaustive test cases for each function based on its use case and contextual code. However you can specify your own custom test cases for a method by adding @Testcases() annotation to them.

IDE Assist: You can also use Fetch Unit Testcasesto review unit test cases and also modify them.

Exclude Methods

By default, all methods in an annotated class are included. To exclude any method from testing, add their name to the excludedMethods list in the Welltested annotation.

@Welltested(excludedMethods: ['logOutUser'])
class Auth {
    Future<void> logInUser() {...}
    Future<void> logOutUser() {...}

IDE Assist: You may use Exclude Methodor Exclude Other Methods to run bulk excludes.

In the above case, we will not create unit tests for logOutUser.